Onward Stories

103 - Foster Parenting after Multiple Losses - Megan Coker

Episode Summary

I came across Megan’s instagram shortly after my son Michael died, and was in awe of her ability to be so vulnerable and open, and to write so beautifully about the losses of each of her babies. It was such a pleasure to interview Megan and see just how warm and genuine she is in real life. I can’t wait for you to hear her talk about the love she has for all her children, and what her experiences with loss have brought Megan in her life. ABOUT MEGAN COKER Megan is an army wife currently in Central Texas. She and her husband share four beautiful children together in Heaven, and she's currently pregnant with their fifth. They were recently licensed to foster and their first placement of two toddler boys just moved away. Megan loves to write about grief and love, share pictures of her three dogs, and photograph pregnancy and birth.

Episode Notes

Megan's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/megsmess_wholenest/
Megan's photography website - http://wholenestphoto.com/