Onward Stories

102 - Post-Traumatic Growth & Returning to Work After Baby Loss - Gina Kornfeind

Episode Summary

I met Gina at the Celebration of Life ceremony that she helps put together through UCLA. It was the summer after my son Michael had died. She was so kind in my short conversation with her that I still remembered her 5 years later when I started Onward Stories. Gina was the first person I thought of as someone I HAD to talk to, and she has been an incredible resource. I really feel as though I could have a hundred interviews with Gina, because she is so knowledgeable, but for this episode we just focused on just one topic - going back to work after the loss of a baby. Gina, you are such a gift to UCLA and the families who need you. Thank you for sharing some of your wisdom here. ABOUT GINA KORNFEIND Gina Kornfeind is the Social worker within the UCLA Mattel Children's hospital Pediatric Pain and Palliative care program. She is also the support and bereavement coordinator of all Pediatrics at UCLA Mattel. Gina helps to provide comprehensive Palliative care to families including quality of life planning, goals of care meetings, end of life care, and bereavement care. She is the Director of the Comforting Hearts Family Bereavement support group for families who have had a child die. Gina provides staff support at UCLA Mattel and provides an annual Pediatric Celebration of Life/Family Memorial service for families and staff. She has a double masters from Columbia University in social work and early childhood special education. She is passionate about supporting families and staff during the journey of illness, end of life and during bereavement.

Episode Notes

UCLA Hospital Bereavement & Support Resources: